Tag Archives: Occupy Taksim

Abuse In Detention – Filiz Yavuz


D.E. does not know which street she was forced to walk on, and for how long. The only thing she remembers are the hands on her body and the paved stones she saw while she was walking with her head bent down. Her lawyer, Ayşen Akçay, pointed that during the first week of the protests in Ankara, approximately 260 women [...] → Read the full article…

Please listen, hear us, and accept our existence

History is written at Gezi Park in İstanbul, in an unexpected way, at an unexpected moment and by unexpected people. And after the use of disproportionate force, the violence snowballed and spread to many cities and neighborhoods. Unbelievable things have happened. Unbelievable cases of violence took place. But what for? Wouldn’t it be nice if everything went as smooth as [...] → Read the full article…