Category Archives: Caricatures

Al-Monitor: Jailed cartoons of Turkey – Pınar Tremblay


Political cartoons as a form of graphic protest still have an effect on the body politics of Turkey. Even those who may not understand Turkish can see the message in a caricature. Cartoons make us not only smile, but promptly locate the undeniable truth in our minds. Erdogan is aware of this power, hence there is a Wikipedia entry in Turkish, ”Cartoons [...] → Read the full article…

Ottawa Gezi Platform: illustrated message of solidarity with ODTU Resistance

Firuz - ODTU

We stand shoulder to shoulder with our friends in Oslo, Berlin, New York, London, Boston, Goteborg, Metz, Paris, Amsterdam, Dresden, and Frankfurt to offer this symbolic act of tree planting to ODTU faculty and students in Ankara. We stand by OTDU’s right to follow through all political and legal means of dissent and appeal as outlined by the decision of [...] → Read the full article…