Tag Archives: feminists

Cultural Anthropology: Masculinized Power, Queered Resistance – Salih Can Açıksöz and Zeynep Korkman


On the morning of July 1st, exhausted from the first night of clashes with the riot police but still upbeat, the crowd of young male soccer fans with eyes red from tear gas chanted, “Go on, spray, go on, spray. Go on spray tear gas. Strip your helmet, drop your baton. Let’s see who is the real man!” This would [...] → Read the full article…

Jadaliyya: #resistankara: Notes of a woman resisting


Thousands of women filled the streets and squares in Ankara and took them back: spraying anti-teargas solutions in someone’s eyes, picking up the trash, advising people not to use swear words, but still talking, screaming, not keeping silent, swallowing, and walking, and walking again. The Gezi Park protests can be, and are being, analyzed in multiple ways. Meanwhile, on its [...] → Read the full article…

Women’s Coalition Turkey

We are calling upon the government: immediately stop police violence and the aggressive, threatening and condescending attitude against the people. The peaceful sit-in began to counter planned construction at the Taksim Gezi park, which would replace one of downtown Istanbul’s few green spaces with a shopping mall, has evolved  into  nationwide demonstrations and people’s resistance as a result of the [...] → Read the full article…

Socialist Feminist Collective

Women are in rebellion! And you can’t stop it with gas, tanks, batons! Women are resisting along with all oppressed groups for the last two days! Workers, Kurds, LGBT’s, Alaweits, Muslims, non-Muslims, atheists and all the oppressed, exploited, insulted, constantly blamed to be the traitors are rebelling in Turkey. The resistance that started in Gezi Park in Taksim İstanbul spread [...] → Read the full article…