Tag Archives: Taksim Resistance

Hürriyet: What if your kid was shot in the head while he was going to buy bread and had not yet woken up after 39 days?


You see the question in this title… It wipes you out. It shatters you, it ruins you. How can any heart endure this pain? It’s your kid, it’s your life… What could be beyond that? There, Berkin, has been sleeping for 39 days, just like that… He has had two brain surgeries. He is still unconscious. It’s not clear whether [...] → Read the full article…

Firat News: KCK – Taksim resistance a message for a new Turkey

In a written statement on the growing public resistance across the country, Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Presidency said the resistance has given a message for the structuring of a new democratic Turkey. KCK called on the Kurdish people to take initiative in the resistance and to take responsibility for the healthy progress of the process together with the [...] → Read the full article…