Category Archives: Personal stories

Ulusal has been demonstrating every night for three weeks in a row on the “Beursplein” (square) in Amsterdam


For weeks the world has been gripped by violent developments on and around the Taksim Square in Istanbul. Pictures of blood-stained protestors and footage of attacks with tear gas and water cannons are eagerly shared via Twitter and Facebook. Not only by the Turks themselves, but also by journalists, artists and activists of other nationalities. Yes, even by people you [...] → Read the full article…

Hürriyet: They were trying to calm down their mothers on the phone by saying, “Don’t worry mom, I am okay,” while the doctors were suturing their heads


We continue the testimonies of the youths: Today we talk with a daring young lawyer, a graduate of the Istanbul University, Faculty of Law. She has been part of the Gezi movement from the start both as a protester and as a lawyer. She tells us about her first-hand experience. Let’s listen to her What is your name?  – Rozerin [...] → Read the full article…

We were detained and able to return home after three days

On July 19th at 7 PM, we were released from Caglayan Courthouse. Police attack at Gazi Park on Saturday night included use of acidified water cannon in front of Divan Hotel against peaceful visitors of the park. Furthermore, the police fired pepper gas and tear gas bombs at at masses of protesters who responded to police violence in front of [...] → Read the full article…

Bianet: Muhtar and Public Forum Participants Recount: What happened in Yeniköy?

Yeniköy Muhtarı (the elected representative of the neighborhood) says, “We had made plans to gather again tonight. We couldn’t understand why such an aggressive situation occurred”, while, on the other hand, Sibel Yerdeniz says the muhtar himself had told her, “We don’t want you here, go to a different park”. Following the Gezi Park resistance, yesterday there was an attack [...] → Read the full article…

Mersin is standing up to fascism

“They arrived. At 1.45am, with 4 riot control vehicles, 2 scorpion vehicles, 7 buses and 500 policemen in total… First we started laughing because we were 37 people at that point in the tents. (Actually we are originally hundreds but the police apparently looked for a moment that we were the least crowded.) While we were discussing whether all these [...] → Read the full article…

46 people in custody, deprived of food and water

“bugün çağlayan adliyesinde,-3 teki nezarethanedekilere bakmaya girdim. çok açız susuzuz ne olur bişiler getirin diyen, 46 kişilik bir grup vardı, avuc ici kadar, havalandırmasız penceresiz leş gibi kokan bir nezarethanede. bir kac gözaltındakinin yakını ile para denklestirip su, biskrem vs bişiler aldık. “today at Caglayan Judicial Court, I went check on the people kept in custody on thr 3rd floor [...] → Read the full article…

We have already won this war!

’12.06.2013, Time: 13.00 ,My Taksim Gezi Park diary I smelled the tear gas slightly when I got out of the metro. The stairs opening to Gezi Park from Taksim Square were narrowed down with the barricades. Tens of people in the square are walking towards the park with supermarket bags in their hands. These are all aid packages. When I [...] → Read the full article…