Category Archives: Satire

Al-Monitor: Jailed cartoons of Turkey – Pınar Tremblay


Political cartoons as a form of graphic protest still have an effect on the body politics of Turkey. Even those who may not understand Turkish can see the message in a caricature. Cartoons make us not only smile, but promptly locate the undeniable truth in our minds. Erdogan is aware of this power, hence there is a Wikipedia entry in Turkish, ”Cartoons [...] → Read the full article…

Bianet: Mock campaign launched to choose TOMAs


“Dakar TOMA”, “TOMAZILLA”, “At-At TOMA”, “TOMAdurma”, “Çapulsavar”, “TOMAĞĞĞ”… What’s your favorite TOMA? TOMA – acronym for Intervention Vehicle to Public Events in Turkish – has inspired Gezi Park activists to launch a mock campaign where people are to design their own TOMAs. Initiated under slogans like “Don’t expect everything from the government” and “We won’t learn how to design TOMAs [...] → Read the full article…

Al Jazeera: Why Turks are good at protesting – Zeynep Zileli Rabanea


“Quick, we need volunteer doctors in Taksim!” posted one user on Facebook, followed by a thousand shares and people responding with contacts from all over Turkey. Another published a series of phone numbers of lawyers offering free legal help to the detainees. A worried woman wrote: “Please stop posting phone numbers of lawyers, the police is busting them as we [...] → Read the full article…

Technosociology: It takes a quiz show host: #Occupygezi and culture jamming aganist censorship Turkey

I’ve written about the abject failure of Turkish media to adequately cover the news of the most important protests in the country since the 1980 coup. Many media outlets aired irrelevant documentaries and talk shows (talk show about legal definitions of theft, cooking shows, dolphin training, etc) while clashes spread to dozens of provinces and many neighborhoods in many major [...] → Read the full article…