I apologize to you, my Kurdish brother, my Kurdish Sister

My personal campaign I started after the Gezi Parki Resistance

As you know since 2 weeks there is a movement that started in Taksim that later spread to whole Turkey.

That day the intervention to the 500 people there was so brutal that hundreds of thousands followed them. During these 2 weeks a lot of people became one. Liberals, socialists, patriots, nationalists, this and that, everybody came together.

Because when the police were tear gassing or ten police were attacking one person they were not saying “he/she is a supporter of Fenerbahce, he/she of Besiktas, he/she is a liberal, he/she is a socialist”. Why should I say?

And during all these events the press turned a blind eye to us. The government accused us of vandalism, of being looters, of being somebody’s men.

We were not. After all we were the people who didn’t want the trees to be cut, the ones who wished the police wouldn’t attack us as if we were the Greek Army, the ones who didn’t want to have to watch what’s happening in our own country on Norwegian tv stations.

And then I asked myself.

If all these have happened to us in the last two weeks then what has happened in southeastern Turkey in the last 30 years, how those places and the people from there have been portrayed to us, told us.

Because of this I apologize to you my Kurdish brother, my Kurdish sister.

Until today if I have broken your heart without realizing, if I have told you anything you haven’t deserved, forgive me.

Note: I am aware that there are lots of people who will get this entry wrong. I just feel empathy, I don’t have any other purpose.”

Source: www.eksisozluk.com

14 June 2013


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