Aggrieved Animals

A pregnant cat killed by the tear gas. Taksim, İstanbul, 2013. Source unknown

The protestors did not only help each other but also to the animal. Here is a dog affected by the teargas. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.

Taksim`s reknown dog named Eylem. Head damaged by police baton. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown

One of the tens of cats that cannot open their eyes, due to the teargas. Cihangir, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.

Two months old kitten affected by the teargas. Beşiktaş, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown

“There are hundreds of dead bodies in Gerzi Park, seen by no one. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown

Birds affected by the teargas. Ankara, 2013. Source unknown.

Kugulu parktan tasinan kugular ve kazlar

This photograph is from the symbol of Ankara Kuğulu Park (The Park with Swans). The swans had to be removed as they were affected by the teargas. Çankaya, Ankara, 2013. Source unknown.

Many street dogs have been affected by the teargas. Here two protestors are helping a dog. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.

Two protestors trying to help the dog that affected by the teargas. Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.

Costless veterinary and food service for the animals at Gezi Park. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.

gosteri yapan kopek

A dog at the protests with a gas mask. Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.

Two friends that are resting after the demonstrations. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.

veteriner ilac listesi

An emergency list for the Veterinary Tent at Gezi Park. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.

resımlı havaıfısek

“Fireworks kill the birds”. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.


A volunteer veterinary student at the Veterinary Tent at Gezi Park. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013. Source unknown.

A dog helping the protestors cleaning the environment after the police attacks. Taksim, Istanbul, 2013.

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